Superfiz, the French Metal Rockers who recently made a friend request via MusicLoad's MySpace page, have a very intriguing metal sound that grabbed our attention, however, we do not speak French.
So, we referred to Babblefish, the Yahoo based language translation service to interpret the lyrics of a song entitled "Democratique Dictature". The title immediately made us think of the imperialistic nature of the U.S. Foreign and Domestic Policy. But not being sure, we did the translation. Being a free translation service, it's not perfect, but the lyrics are as follows:
French lyrics of "Democratique Dictature":
Te souviens tu d'un jour de gloire ?
Du défilé sur les boulevards ?
La cravate au vent , le champagne au frais
Et le mot plein d'espoir
Certains en ont versé une larme
Mais d'autres en ont pleuré
Le drapeau pour l'intox rassemblant sous la banniere
Observateur lointain de nos vies de misere
Mais quoi de neuf pour nous ?
Une démocratique dictature les civils au garde-à-vous.
Et quoi de plus pour nous ?
Meme si tu n'as plus rien , ils te prendront tout.
Traqueur de luxe , milieu mondain
Messages codés , nuits de satin
Un seigneur de fer pour réprimer la guerre
Et mieux gonfler son butin
Mélangeant les couleurs de peaux
Pour des coups d'épée dans l'eau
La rigueur dans les mots , un porte-feuille dans la tete
Peu importe le chaos pourvu que tout s'achete
Mais quoi de neuf pour nous ?
Une democratique dictature , les servils comme garde fou
Et quoi de plus pour nous ?
Meme si tu ne leur dois rien , ils te prendront tout.
On voit ici tous les asservis qui osent
se raccrocher par depit aux faux espoirs de leur cause !!
English Translation of "Democratique Dictature" from http://babelfish.yahoo.com/
Te you remember d' one day of glory? Procession on the boulevards? The tie with the wind, the champagne with the expenses And the full word d' hope Some poured a tear of it But d' others cried about it The flag for l' intox gathering under the banner remote Observer of our lives of misery But what is nine for us? A democratic dictatorship civilians with the attention. And what moreover for us? Same if you n' aces plus nothing, they will take all to you. Traquor of luxury, society man medium Coded messages, nights of satin An iron lord to repress the war And to better inflate its spoils Mixing the skin colors For blows d' sword in l' water The rigour in the words, a wallet in the head It does not matter chaos provided that all s' buy But what is nine for us? A democratic dictatorship, the servils like keeps insane And what moreover for us? Same if you do not owe them anything, they will take all to you. One sees here all controlled which dare to hang up again itself by spite with the false hopes of their cause!!
Bottom Line Is..... MusicLoad LOVES France and we like Superfiz. Guitarist Olivier Spitzer and vocalist Pierre Benvenuti know how to rock. Rock and Roll does live well around the world! And, Democracy is a buzzword for dictators to occupy. Rise Up, Rockers of the World! Rise Up!
Check Superfiz up at