Purple - Hard Rocking Fun from Texas

MusicLoad presents Purple

A band simply known as Purple is a great hard rock trio that kills! And they know how to have fun while they do it. Hanna Brewer is on drums and vocals, Joe "Prankser" Cannariato is on bass guitar and Taylor Busby on guitar and vocals. They recently returned home to Texas fresh off their European tour of several sold out shows.

The very cool basic and raw live recording below perfectly captures the essence of the coolness of Purple and the shooters and audio engineers deserve a big thumbs up. It was filmed in Austin last year by a local Texas event website called Do512 with sponsorship from Bud Light. Purple exudes the kind of unadulterated pure energy that we love and we appreciate those who know how to capture those kind of moments so well. mlv

Connect direct with Purple at PurpleTexasMusic.Com or at Facebook.Com/PurpleTexasMusic or at Twitter.Com/Purpletxmusic

We featured them twice on our network before, and you can hear and see more of their music at:

The following link features three music videos for Wallflower, Loco Leche and Wrong Way

The following links features their music video to their song titled Thirteen

Please support MusicLoad by joining us at the following links:

Please visit our other music video sites that include:
Music Television: MusicTelevision.Com
The Indies: TheIndies.Com
The Quiet Storm: TheQuietStorm.Com
The Record Store: TheRecordStore.Com
Dancentricity: Dancentricity.Com
Live Music Television: LiveMusicTelevision.Com
Classic Music Television: ClassicMusicTelevision.Com
X Music TV (for mature audiences): XMusicTV.Com

Lianne La Havas - Unstoppable (1st single from Blood) - Music Video + Remix by Jungle

MusicLoad presents Lianne La Havas' latest single Unstoppable. #MusicLoad #LianneLaHavas #PoweredByFreeV #FreeV

Just a few weeks ago, at this link, we featured some of Lianne La Havas' earlier song gems that were a result of heartbreak, but fortunately helped launch her career.

Today, she just released her first new single titled Unstoppable from the full album that will be titled Blood when it is released on July 31, 2015.

Instead of singing about her past broken heart, like much of her earlier repertoire, this song is about new unstoppable love. The song sounds just right for a James Bond film soundtrack. Turn it up!

and here is a cool remix of Unstoppable by Jungle, who we have featured here

Connect direct with Lianne La Havas at LianneLaHavas.Com, Facebook.Com/LianneLaHavas and Instagram.Com/LianneLaHavas

If you are not yet familiar with Lianne's earlier work, here are some links to explore:

A Two Part Film called Elusive & Gone

A stellar live take in a barn with only her bass player tastefully backing her up

Four excellent videos for her songs Is Your Love Big Enough (official video) Tease Me (Live) and Lost and Found (official video)

Live in Concert for BBC 6Music 10th Anniversary

Please support MusicLoad by joining us at the following links:

Please visit our other music video sites that include:

Music Television: MusicTelevision.Com
The Indies: TheIndies.Com
The Quiet Storm: TheQuietStorm.Com
X Music TV (for mature audiences): XMusicTV.Com
Live Music Television: LiveMusicTelevision.Com
Classic Music Television: ClassicMusicTelevision.Com
Dancentricity: Dancentricity.Com
TV Música (Latin/Spanish Music Videos): TVMusica.Com
The Record Store: TheRecordStore.Com

Powered by FreeV

More from Libido Fuzz

MusicLoad.Com presents Libido Fuzz

In November 2014, we featured four excellent songs by the psychedelic act known as Libido Fuzz out of Bordeaux France. Hear/see those songs at the previous post here.

Their most recent album titled Kaleido Lumo Age, is being released on the Hamburg Germany based DIY indie label known as Pink Tank Records

Libido Fuzz - Haight Ashbury

Libido Fuzz - Oblique Strategies

This is a cool one that gets down to business upon pushing the play button.

Connect direct with Libido Fuzz at libidofuzz.bandcamp.com and/or at Facebook.com/LibidoFuzz

Please support MusicLoad by joining us at the following links:

Please visit our other music video sites that include:
Music Television: MusicTelevision.Com
The Indies: TheIndies.Com
The Quiet Storm: TheQuietStorm.Com
The Record Store: TheRecordStore.Com
Dancentricity: Dancentricity.Com
Live Music Television: LiveMusicTelevision.Com
Classic Music Television: ClassicMusicTelevision.Com
X Music TV (for mature audiences): XMusicTV.Com

Alex Nester is what "it" is...

MusicLoad presents Alex Nester

As far back as I can remember, one of my missions in life was to know about young acts that are coming up, before the labels caught up with them.

I love that feeling of getting excited when I hear new organic talent I haven't heard before. I am talking about the excitement of hearing unmanufactured music from artists who have nurtured their sound, tapped into their own inner genius that we all have, but few of us ever tap. Someone who can sit down with with no backup and deliver the goods.

With all that said, this artist below named Alex Nester, is one of those real deal artists.

I stumbled upon her while walking down a bustling Main St. and heard her singing this song for a supper crowd. I had to go in. It turned out she was performing an original song, written and dedicated to her grandparents, that she had not yet recorded. But now she has.

Hope you all enjoy what this girl's brand of soul is all about.

Alex Nester - With You (Mel & Frieda's Song - Dedicated to her grandparents)

Connect direct with Alex Nester at AlexNester.Com and Facebook.Com/AlexNesterFan and Twitter.Com/Squeelo

Photo at top of page by C-Aye Purcell with hair, makeup and styling by La Niece McKay

Prior to this above recording making onto this page, this story was written up about Alex on MusicTelevision.Com and it featured a music video to one of her other dandy songs titled Show A Little Love.

Please support MusicLoad by joining us at the following links:

Please visit our other music video sites that include:
Music Television: MusicTelevision.Com
The Indies: TheIndies.Com
The Quiet Storm: TheQuietStorm.Com
The Record Store: TheRecordStore.Com
Dancentricity: Dancentricity.Com
Live Music Television: LiveMusicTelevision.Com
Classic Music Television: ClassicMusicTelevision.Com
X Music TV (for mature audiences): XMusicTV.Com

This post was originally created on April 14, 2015, with subsequent edits and updates by The Indies Network at TheIndiesNetworkCom, Facebook.Com/TheIndiesNetwork and Twitter.Com/indies