Lianne La Havas - Unstoppable (1st single from Blood) - Music Video + Remix by Jungle

MusicLoad presents Lianne La Havas' latest single Unstoppable. #MusicLoad #LianneLaHavas #PoweredByFreeV #FreeV

Just a few weeks ago, at this link, we featured some of Lianne La Havas' earlier song gems that were a result of heartbreak, but fortunately helped launch her career.

Today, she just released her first new single titled Unstoppable from the full album that will be titled Blood when it is released on July 31, 2015.

Instead of singing about her past broken heart, like much of her earlier repertoire, this song is about new unstoppable love. The song sounds just right for a James Bond film soundtrack. Turn it up!

and here is a cool remix of Unstoppable by Jungle, who we have featured here

Connect direct with Lianne La Havas at LianneLaHavas.Com, Facebook.Com/LianneLaHavas and Instagram.Com/LianneLaHavas

If you are not yet familiar with Lianne's earlier work, here are some links to explore:

A Two Part Film called Elusive & Gone

A stellar live take in a barn with only her bass player tastefully backing her up

Four excellent videos for her songs Is Your Love Big Enough (official video) Tease Me (Live) and Lost and Found (official video)

Live in Concert for BBC 6Music 10th Anniversary

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