Viktoria Modesta

MusicLoad.Com presents videos by Viktoria Modesto - Photography by Divulgação
Photo by Divulgação
Here is a inspired creative lady who didn't just break a leg as the old entertainment saying goes, she lost a leg. But that hasn't stopped her, musically or artistically. Viceland produced the first short video below that captured the artistic spirit of recording/performance artist Viktoria Modesta. More videos follow of her unique performance art infused live performances and conceptual music videos. Enjoy!

Viktoria Modesta x VICELAND

Viktoria Modesta - Prototype - Live at DIFFA benefit concert, 2016

Just below is a live performance of Viktoria performing at the Opening Ceremony supporting a global skill competition for people with disabilities.

Viktoria Modesta - Counterflow

Just below is a play meets a music video in a modern adaptation of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" reimagined as a story of narcissism, where bionic Titania becomes hopelessly infatuated with a virtual version of herself.

Viktoria Modesta - Play Me

And, last but not least, here is the song that was Viktoria Modesta's debut single five years ago. She and this song seem perfect to star in a future Bond - 007 film!

Connect direct with Viktoria Modesta at,,,,

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This post was created on April 19, 2017 with subsequent edits and updates by Mariana L. Villanueva for MusicLoad and The Indies Network.