SHEL, a band of four sisters named Sarah, Hannah, Eva and Liza, is one of my absolute favorite rising bands out there. If you are in New York tonight, Monday April 2, 2012, please go see a free SHEL concert at Rockwood Music Hall at 7:30PM. It's sure to be a lovely show for all! And, if you want to get backstage, you can probably get there if you bring Sarah some ginger chews.

If you don't know about SHEL, here is a little bit about them. Enjoy!
This is SHEL (They have grown a lot since this video was made, but you'll get the idea)

SHEL - Toyland

I first learned about SHEL via Eva Holbrook after I had already fallen deeply in love with her music. She is a gifted songwriter, arranger, instrumentalist, and angelic vocalist. Eventually I learned of the group with her sisters who all share the same giftedness. Once I heard their whole band together, I knew I had landed in music heaven.

Eva Holbrook during the songwriting process on a song titled Heaven's Gate that was inspired by a Classic 30 Peavey amp she was borrowing.

SHEL - The Latest and Greatest Blueberry Rubber Band

The Rockwood Music Hall is located at 196 Allen Street New York, NY 10002
Phone (212) 477-4155 Website: RockwoodMusicHall.Com

Connect direct with SHEL at SHELmusic.Com, Facebook.Com/ILoveSHELMusic, and