MusicLoad Interviews (Join Team MusicLoad)

MusicLoad gets visitors from every single country in the world. In the last hour, most of MusicLoad's visitors came from United States, China, Germany Russia, France, Ukraine, India, Netherlands, Australia, and Canada. In the last 24 hours, you can add 32 other countries such as Malta, Indonesia, Burma, Iceland, Moldova, Bangladesh, and Uruguay. When MusicLoad was formed in 1999, I considered the World Wide Web as this sort of medium to be truly international, and that dream was realized early in MusicLoad's history.

MusicLoad is going beyond the World Wide Web to leave no stone unturned with MusicLoad TV and MusicLoad Radio. The show for each is to be a shared show titled MusicLoad Presents... MusicLoad is looking for the most interesting, eccentric, weird as well as normal, balanced focused VJ's and DJ's to host such programming. Also looking at all of the creative people possible, who may also be chosen to play a part in something fun. It's all about being centered around great music.

Anyone who is interested, please click onto the contact link and send your links to your website(s) or facebook page along with your telephone number and e-mail address, where in the world you are from and tell us your story. Prior music industry or entertainment experience is not necessary. Whoever we pick, will have to move to Los Angeles, preferably Santa Monica for a while until they candidate can run their own studio to go back home with and continue the job, unless they want to stay in LA. Obviously, those who are already in LA might make it easier on us. But all are encouraged to apply. If you are picked, we will figure out a way to bring you here, on us, for final interviews and production tests. Be yourself, but more fearless. Peace Love Groove, GC